As, Larsa_Gurl said, there's a new store in the StarPlaza, which is Luxe Makeup! The makeup is pretty expensive just for one item! Anyways, this is what they look like!
(Pictures Credited To Stardoll's Most Wanted...)
x, Ipodrocks
Heller. Can you please give me a free stardoll code?!:( email it to me at . Hey iz that ALL that they have there @ luxe? No hair dye?!,...mascara,eyeshadow,...? Answers? Email me!:) <3 xoxo beyoncerockz
Hellr! Fk! Im mad! I just wrote sumn good n it didnt go! stupid site!uh! B****! Uh!lemmermbr,... So plz give me giftcard/prepaid codes OR SS accounts plz! I promise I wont do any damaged 2 ur acccount or get it hacked!i will b held responsible 4 any of those. And i wnt change da ps if u ndt want me 2. Ive been hacked b4,n i now how it feeels. It sucks balls! Bnut now im careful!:) n im 100000000% hack-free! O,n trust me,...if u give me codes or ss account,ill give u sumn in return!im not THAT mean!:) maybe years l8r ill get it 2 u-i hardly go on stardoll thats y. But dnt worry,ull get sumn!:) o,n make sure ix VALID! Just plz give me giftcard/prepaid codes!:~( or ss accounts!:( ill even vote u cg n tell all mi frnz 2 vote u 5/5!:) so jus plz!:( email^^^!:) xoxo beyoncerockz (email:<3 u guyzz!!!!:) remember: codes/ss accounts,free things!:) presents,sd,vote u cg,...!:)<3 xoxo!:)
Hellr! Fk! Im mad! I just wrote sumn good n it didnt go! stupid site!uh! B****! Uh!lemmermbr,... So plz give me giftcard/prepaid codes OR SS accounts plz! I promise I wont do any damaged 2 ur acccount or get it hacked!i will b held responsible 4 any of those. And i wnt change da ps if u ndt want me 2. Ive been hacked b4,n i now how it feeels. It sucks balls! Bnut now im careful!:) n im 100000000% hack-free! O,n trust me,...if u give me codes or ss account,ill give u sumn in return!im not THAT mean!:) maybe years l8r ill get it 2 u-i hardly go on stardoll thats y. But dnt worry,ull get sumn!:) o,n make sure ix VALID! Just plz give me giftcard/prepaid codes!:~( or ss accounts!:( ill even vote u cg n tell all mi frnz 2 vote u 5/5!:) so jus plz!:( email^^^!:) xoxo beyoncerockz (email:<3 u guyzz!!!!:) remember: codes/ss accounts OR STARDOLL EMPLOYEE CODE!, things!:) presents,sd,vote u cg,...!:)<3 xoxo!:)
If u give me stardoll employee code ill show u 3 websites that give freess! One,4 ss,extended mmbrshp n more n 4 non ss free ss. The other,gives non ss 350 sd n 9 month of superstardom!!! 4 ss,650 sd! N da othr website gives both ss n non ss 1 month free superstar membership and u cud even ask em d 500 stardollars! So plz send!:( :) xoxo beyoncerockz
Heller. Can you please give me a free stardoll code?!:( email it to me at . Hey iz that ALL that they have there @ luxe? No hair dye?!,...mascara,eyeshadow,...? Answers? Email me!:) <3 xoxo beyoncerockz
Hellr! Fk! Im mad! I just wrote sumn good n it didnt go! stupid site!uh! B****! Uh!lemmermbr,... So plz give me giftcard/prepaid codes OR SS accounts plz! I promise I wont do any damaged 2 ur acccount or get it hacked!i will b held responsible 4 any of those. And i wnt change da ps if u ndt want me 2. Ive been hacked b4,n i now how it feeels. It sucks balls! Bnut now im careful!:) n im 100000000% hack-free! O,n trust me,...if u give me codes or ss account,ill give u sumn in return!im not THAT mean!:) maybe years l8r ill get it 2 u-i hardly go on stardoll thats y. But dnt worry,ull get sumn!:) o,n make sure ix VALID! Just plz give me giftcard/prepaid codes!:~( or ss accounts!:( ill even vote u cg n tell all mi frnz 2 vote u 5/5!:) so jus plz!:( email^^^!:) xoxo beyoncerockz (email:<3 u guyzz!!!!:) remember: codes/ss accounts,free things!:) presents,sd,vote u cg,...!:)<3 xoxo!:)
Hellr! Fk! Im mad! I just wrote sumn good n it didnt go! stupid site!uh! B****! Uh!lemmermbr,... So plz give me giftcard/prepaid codes OR SS accounts plz! I promise I wont do any damaged 2 ur acccount or get it hacked!i will b held responsible 4 any of those. And i wnt change da ps if u ndt want me 2. Ive been hacked b4,n i now how it feeels. It sucks balls! Bnut now im careful!:) n im 100000000% hack-free! O,n trust me,...if u give me codes or ss account,ill give u sumn in return!im not THAT mean!:) maybe years l8r ill get it 2 u-i hardly go on stardoll thats y. But dnt worry,ull get sumn!:) o,n make sure ix VALID! Just plz give me giftcard/prepaid codes!:~( or ss accounts!:( ill even vote u cg n tell all mi frnz 2 vote u 5/5!:) so jus plz!:( email^^^!:) xoxo beyoncerockz (email:<3 u guyzz!!!!:) remember: codes/ss accounts OR STARDOLL EMPLOYEE CODE!, things!:) presents,sd,vote u cg,...!:)<3 xoxo!:)
If u give me stardoll employee code ill show u 3 websites that give freess! One,4 ss,extended mmbrshp n more n 4 non ss free ss. The other,gives non ss 350 sd n 9 month of superstardom!!! 4 ss,650 sd! N da othr website gives both ss n non ss 1 month free superstar membership and u cud even ask em d 500 stardollars! So plz send!:( :) xoxo beyoncerockz
this is really great, i would like to comment here.
nice one post.
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