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Wednesday, 29 July 2009


Thank you Stardoll Fashion Passion for the picture

Are my eyes deceiving me? Could It be?

Yes! Only at Kohls Candies, & Abby Dawn are coming back to stardoll!

About a year after the other Candies and Abby Dawn where released to stardoll. And shortly after their instant appearance the vanished, and became A MUST HAVE, and a rare.

If i remember right i believe all or most was for the non SS too.

Mudd, is also coming! I believe the only part of Mudd coming to stardoll would be their jewelry at the top of the picture.

Again Abby Dawn is a punk theme.

And Candies is a little bit more puck then girly.

Will you be buying any?


katara4 said...

wow, you are right with the 'mudd' clothes...
the shop is now in starplaza :D
i love them so much ^^

canon laser cartridges said...

Its sounds very nice collection. I want to check these out. thanks for this info.