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Sunday, 12 July 2009

August CG!!!!

since im not here August i decided to post August covergirl early, she is....CRAZI_BABI*!!!! congratz! she was chosen for her unique style and she participates well in this blog. she is also very friendly.

(bigger version of pic at the bottom of the blog, click to visit her)

she wins:
-writer for 1 month
-100sd code
-5 gifts of choice
-her tutorial to adding make up to your medoll (optional)

enjoy :)
(contact me in my gb to claim ur prize, prizes are given 1 week after u contact me)


crazi_babi* said...

Thank you.This is such an honor

katara4 said...

congrats ;D

Sunshinez said...

good for you! awesome medoll!
can;t wait to see who will be next!

loveylovelove23 said...


Aquafabulosa said...
