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Saturday, 5 June 2010

Weird OLD Spoiler.

(Again with no banner, sorry)

Anyway, I found this REALLY OLD spoiler. It was about 2 or 3 years ago when the DKNY Hearts collection came out. DKNY is no longer on stardoll. But, stardoll was going to make a DKNY Hearts shirt, it actually looks cute. It looks like the hearts ruffle + the sequin thin strap tank mixed together. I would of liked it if they made it on stardoll, sadly they didn't. But, its surprising that it was a spoiler. Do you think they will bring DKNY back to stardoll, or make something similar to the DKNY hearts tank, (shirt whatever you wanna call it?) Hmm....?


Sorry, its kinda blurry, but its like an idea of what it looks like, this is largest it could go! (Hopefully the picture even comes out properly!)